At Bertram's Hotel

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Download Movie At Bertram's HotelAt Bertram's Hotel

Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Crime, Drama, Mystery
Year: 1987
IMDB Rating: 7.20
IMDB Votes: 197
Actors: Phillips, Neville as Henry, Hickson, Joan as Miss Jane Marple, Milvain, Douglas as Sir Ronald Graves, Baldwin, Peter as Mr. Humfries, Lockwood, Preston as Canon Pennyfather, Baker, George as Chief Inspector Fred Davy, Bretherton, Philip as Detective Inspector Campbell, Michell, Helena as Elvira Blake, Reynolds, Robert as Ladislaus Malinowski, Greenwood, Joan as Lady Selina Hazy, Blakiston, Caroline as Lady Bess Sedgwick, Herley, Randal as Richard Egerton, Sutcliffe, Irene as Miss Gorringe, McGrath, Brian as Michael Gorman, Cossins, James as Colonel Derek Luscombe
Miss Jane Marple is staying at an elegant hotel from her childhood compliments of her nephew Raymond. Also there is international adventurer Bess Sedgwick and Lady Selena Hazy (Joan Greenwood in her next to last performance). A doorman working at the hotel turns out to be from Bess' past, and when he is killed, she is the prime suspect. But what does his murder have to do with the disappearance of an elderly vicar staying at the hotel, and a string of robberies over the last few months? Miss Marple must find out before the murderer strikes again!!!
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Unusual in that it keeps teasing with the possibility of a homicide, murder, but only occurs after 80 minutes of screen time have passed! This does not work too well: the murder investigation seems almost like an afterthought, and it is very difficult to guess the real murderer (the suspicious goings-on the title on the hotel and the disappearance of a priest is more important). On the positive side, it appears that the first shots of the director of it, Mary McMurray, has one more At Bertram's Hotel Crime movie camera eye that many of their male colleagues who worked on this series, and Caroline Blakiston therefore as attractive, anarchic, middle-aged adventurers Bess Sedgwick and Helen Michell impulsive as his beautiful daughter are well cast. (** 1 / 2)
"At Bertram's Hotel" is more of a character study of a novel. The public is more interested in the stories and motivations of this fund and raises the question of who will do what to whom and why? Some see the book and the adaptation of Agatha Christie's lesser efforts. I agree the At Bertram's Hotel film is rather quiet, but I think the novel fascinating. The book was published, and the mid-1960s and included references to the Beatles and combat the culture. The At Bertram's Hotel film is kept firmly on the 1950 never again to the other BBC Marples (no mention of the "horrible" new commercial ITV, which began broadcasting in 1955) which I think is a mistake. We see Joan Hickson Tut-tutting about the new architecture of London, but there is little real sense of change, a new emerging world in which a place like Bertram has no real part. It is essential to the plot that Bertram's * * has not changed, and it should be. More power, Bertram of the 'old' securities to cover something rotten and corrupt to be swept. This is a good piece of television with excellent performances and production values, but it could have been much higher. Perhaps it was a great Agatha Christie 'message' novelist, but I think there is a point to Bertram that could have been more positive shown here.
Crabby do not think the naysayers with their negative comments. I believe that "Bertram's Hotel" and "A murder is announced to be the best of the Joan Hickson Miss Marple" series. "At Bertram" is full of suspense. The sets and costumes are accurate for the period. The screenplay is excellent. The performance is excellent. Joan Hickson, as always, superb as Miss Marple. So it deserves the OBE received many of its shows. The other players are great. Highest praise for Caroline Blakiston as Bess Sedgewick. What a wonderful actress who is! If you have the opportunity to see their role as Marjorie Farrar in the 1967 version of "The Forsyte Saga." Magnificent!
The direction, the total production and is beautifully done in this adaptation of the novel by Agatha Christie. The actress is excellent ... from the first scene, which juxtaposes the arrival of Miss Marple and Lady Bess Sedgewick to Bertram's Hotel is a delight of contrasts and adept editing. Throughout this At Bertram's Hotel Crime film actress (playing Lady Bess) is fascinating! The whole production does a good job of recovery in the late 1950s in England. In addition to a fine of Joan Hickson / Miss Marple series! What is a gift to the Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot series on DVD.

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