Time Bandits

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Download Movie Time BanditsTime Bandits
All the dreams you've ever had and not just the good ones, ...they didn't make history, they stole it!
Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Adventure, Thriller, Mystery, Comedy, Fantasy, Family, Sci-Fi
Year: 1981
IMDB Rating: 6.90
IMDB Votes: 16930
Actors: Vaughan, Peter as Winston the Ogre, Dixon, Malcolm as Strutter, Purvis, Jack as Wally, Warner, David as Evil Genius, Baker, Kenny as Fidgit, Rappaport, David as Randall, Cleese, John as Robin Hood, Palin, Michael as Vincent, Warnock, Craig as Kevin, Edmonds, Mike as Og, Connery, Sean as King Agamemnon/Fireman, Daker, David as Kevin's Father, Richardson, Ralph as Supreme Being, Ross, Tiny as Vermin, Holm, Ian as Napoleon
A young boy's wardrobe contains a time hole. Through this hole an assortment of short people (i.e. dwarfs) come while escaping from their master, the supreme being. They take Kevin with them on their adventures through time from Napoleonic times to the Middle Ages to the early 1900s, to the time of Legends and the Fortress of Ultimate Darkness where they confront Evil.
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This movie: Time Bandits is the funniest Time Bandits Adventure movie I've ever seen. Where cable, which saw him about 20 times and I have done two films with it. There are many levels of enjoyment. The sets are large, the effects are wonderful, the story is crazy, the combination of veteran players and new faces is perfection. Dialogue is a mutiny and are excerpts from the movie: Time Bandits everywhere, the excitement for me death! I love all the actors who play the dwarfs, especially David Rappaport Randall played well loved his TV show "The Magician" who was treated so badly. Often we find ourselves saying: "Remember when you said bad, and Og, when he said that?" Or wonder what laughly condition of Thought boyfriend, Vincent, was needed by the fruit? Napoleon scene alone enough to make you break a rib from laughter. I guarantee that if you have a funnybone everyone will love this movie! Run, do not walk to the nearest video rental store!
"Time Bandits" is the story of a young man named Kevin, who becomes entangled with a group of dwarves who travels through time to plunder treasure. This DVD film Time Bandits is directed by Terry Gilliam and co-written by him and Michael Palin, Monty Python, both of fame. Given that, it is not surprising that the DivX film Time Bandits has a humorous approach to history and fantasy. Craig Warnock gives a good performance as Kevin and the dwarfs are all well portrayed. This film: Time Bandits undoubtedly derives a lot of strength of its cast, and my favorite performances from John Cleese as a paternalistic foppish Robin Hood, David Warner as an evil genius is revealed in malicious and Ralph Richardson as a pretentious "Being Supreme. " Also notable are extremely unsafe Ian Holm as Napoleon and Sean Connery as King Agamemnon. While this does not seem as fun as some other efforts of Terry Gilliam, laughter were fairly consistent throughout the movie. There are also some moments of great tension developed, especially towards the end. Terry Gilliam and Michael Palin have succeeded here in creating a humorous look at various historical figures and fanciful settings.
I have mixed feelings in many other Gilliam films - I was "Brazil" was a bit disorganized and too Orwellian self-consciously, while "The Fisher King" never quite nailed the unique tone that is trying - but it is time Bandits a delight. While in the background a slight Time Bandits Adventure film for children, contains moments of great beauty and also a visionary genius, and that brings the spirit of Monty Python, Terry Gilliam and of two of the actors in the Time Bandits film (John Cleese and Michael Palin) wine. I want more blockbusters special effects had the imagination that "Time Bandits" has. While some of the jokes are hit and miss, the world Baroque Gilliam creates entirely convincing - from the strange, foreboding "Time of Legends" in the idyllic Mycenae that for a brief moment, the young Kevin find true happiness. David Warner is hilarious as "evil", the villain who wants to introduce microchips in the creation and the laser. The late David Rappaport gives a wonderful performance as Randall, the leader of the greedy dwarves, while Kevin, the child is quite attractive (perhaps George Lucas should have studied this issue before the film: Time Bandits Jake Lloyd for "Phantom Threat" ). In my opinion, "Time Bandits" is the most purely "Gilliamesque of Gilliam's films, and his best so far.
This was one of the best movies I've seen. Let me start in the first part of the story. I do not like running. Every Friday at my school runs a mile. I've never seen this DVD movie Time Bandits before, but I've seen earlier in the week for $ 10, the new DVD. I knew that my long love Michael Palin would be so I made a deal with myself that if I ran across the miles, on Friday I would go after school and get it. I live in Southern California, I have PE 4th period, and let me tell you ... a heated run miles! Therefore, a very long period excrushiatingly (ok, perhaps 15 minutes) operating out of my legs I expected little to my film. Until now I thought it was worth nothing to run (even Ewan McGregor ... bite my tongue). Let me tell you .... THIS worth running! Campy'm a big Time Bandits film person, and if, as I like movies like "Moulin Rouge!" "Little Shop of Horrors" or "Labyrinth" loves it! It was very funny and smart and that little boy (Craig-something or other) was the most stress. A child who is British and can not pronouce their R ... "a wubbewy?." Frankly, this movie: Time Bandits is brilliant. I nevertheless suggest that Die-Hard Palin fans like myself. If you see something for the main purpose of going to see Mike "Full Circle", was perhaps in this for 5 minutes in total. I do not think anyone would love. Palin and Gilliam ... you hit a Homerun other!

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