Nightmare City 2035

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Download Movie Nightmare City 2035Nightmare City 2035
The Dream Is Over, The power of suggestion has never been stronger.
Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Sci-Fi, Action
Year: 2007
IMDB Rating: 3.00
IMDB Votes: 138
Actors: Blush, Robert as The Doc, Binev, Velizar as Dr. Jonathan DeMeo, Winkless, Terence H. as Councilman, Jensen, Todd as Security Chief Valentine, Ivanov, Stefan as Stevenson, McCoy, Mike as Kirkland, Thorpe, Alexis as Kyla Bradley, Caulfield, Maxwell as Alex McDowell, Enright, Andrea as Miss Automaton, Alexiev, Dimo as Russell, Rich, David as Guard, Withrow, Tommy as Cates, Morales, Dessi as Miss Noel, Shterev, Stefan as Feral Man
The future. The corrupt regime broadcasts the illusion of a beautiful city to the chip in your head, when in fact the city is in ruins. The rebels know the truth and seek to foment revolution.
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This Nightmare City 2035 Sci-Fi sucks, but Alexis Thorpe is great! Why does the world became that way is not clearly explained and I do not understand how the mass mind control can be achieved (which has to take all citizens and chips implanted in the brain?) Base Science fiction is weak. Imagine in the Middle Ages, a group of rebels led by a woman tried to rise against the tyrannical rule and somehow a brave knight (our hero is now a police employee) joined them. There is no difference, except laser weapons used in this movie. Not every successful science fiction films is based on visual effects cheap but most importantly, the plot should be meaningful and enlighten our vision. Some conversions are hollow and meaningless diversion particularly in the east. However, it is a pleasure to see Alexis Thorpe controlled machines with her beautiful eyes.
but not far from it either. You can upload some mild interest, but from time to time and also hit by some stupid, you do not need the scene (one in which two main characters struggle with the swarm of flying robots is really beyond comprehension, technical as rational logic), imitation and topical, as someone mentioned above, the worst "should be after the APOC sets I've seen in any film. However, I have seen until the end. Main actor and did solid work, despite some criticism here. It seems refreshingly understated compared to exaggerate standard to regulate this type and level of films. Some of the effects are decent and (???), the story itself is not so horrible. However, not the worst movie: Nightmare City 2035 (only in the last couple of weeks ago I saw at least two very worst of them is a hell of life), but not too far either.

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