Species: The Awakening

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Download Movie Species: The AwakeningSpecies: The Awakening
Irresistable beauty. Unstoppable instincts.
Formats: ipod, hidivx
Genres: Horror, Sci-Fi
Year: 2007
IMDB Rating: 4.30
IMDB Votes: 546
Actors: Junior, Harding as Student #1, Mattsson, Helena as Miranda, Martinez, Mauricio as Dalton, Cudney, Roger as Leland Fisk, Lucas, Greg as Jogger, Bacuzzi, Marco as Rinaldo, Keating, Dominic as Forbes McGuire, Gomez, Eleazar as Student #3, Cross, Ben as Tom Hollander, Fabregat, German as Technician, Makala, Adrian as Paramedic, de Lara, Felipe as Burke, Arellano, Edy as Calderon, Malpica, Jorge as Church Warden, Gomez, Alizair as Mexican Boy #2
A scientist, Dr Holander, takes his niece Miranda to Mexico in an attempt to reverse the effects of the alien DNA he used to create her. However the treatment goes horribly wrong, and sets Miranda on a killing spree as she sets out to find a mate.
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Got see Species: The Awakening is about today and as expected given that the fourth Species: The Awakening Horror in the franchise, a bit of disappointment Species-111 but could not say it was a bad movie. He was good and the special effects, is definitely not a great Species: The Awakening Horror budget and the lack of lighting for the most part. Helena Mattsson does not seem very appropriate for the part of Miranda, it was as if she was a substitute with Nicole Kidman's voice soft and gentle to all the movements that the time has come to be ugly, but I enjoyed it anyway that is, a good grade B, Saturday afternoon Species: The Awakening Horror movie entertainment.
I saw a screener of this movie: Species: The Awakening have to say and I was surprised positively. I was expecting a really bad DVD movie Species: The Awakening that was not. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I think that Helena Mattsson is a new star after seeing his people in this regard. As a fan of Enterprise, I must also admit that I have a soft spot for Dominic Keating. It is so entertaining. I do not know much of the work of Ben Cross, but it seems very good and I want to see more movies in Sci-fi. The plot was not bad either, but is sometimes a little less. But as a woman, I thought this would be a great festival silly, but it did not. It's a good movie. I give a thumbs up and hope that more movies come out like him.

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