Digby, the Biggest Dog in the World

Download Digby, the Biggest Dog in the World Movie Here
Download Movie Digby, the Biggest Dog in the WorldDigby, the Biggest Dog in the World
The Scientists Want to Collar Him...The Crooks Want to Steal Him, The Biggest Howl Ever Unleashed!
Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Fantasy, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Family
Year: 1973
IMDB Rating: 5.00
IMDB Votes: 178
Actors: Landen, Dinsdale as Colonel Masters, Towb, Harry as Ringmaster, Urquhart, Molly as Aunt Ina, Douglas, Angela as Janine, Spinetti, Victor as Professor Ribart, Dale, Jim as Jeff Eldon, O'Shea, Milo as Dr. Jameson, Bluthal, John as Jerry, Rossington, Norman as Tom, Todd, Bob as The Great Manzini, Warren, Kenneth J. as General Frank, Milligan, Spike as Dr. Harz, Beaumont, Richard as Billy White, Morgan, Garfield as Rogerson, Stuart, Margaret as Assistant
Digby consumes a bowl of Project X, a liquid growth formula. Soon, he becomes a sheepdog of gigantic size!
Download Digby, the Biggest Dog in the World Movie Here
This is one of those films that evokes all the memories of childhood. I still remember seeing this as a child and that recently celebrated its greatness. Sure it is a bit silly. Well, a lot. What matters, however, large animals and hysterics that the cause may have been the material of 1950 B-movie but a right old becomes adventure as Digby and cause massive damage across the country. The special effects are terrible, but obviously, that all adds to the nostalgia, like Spike Milligan. Above all this is a piece of British history. Even the subtleties of eating breakfast in a cafe British or old cars. This is a return to a time when British films were proud and were innocent.
simply the best comedy on both sides of the Atlantic that I have never seen a dog as a central character. seems fashionable at the moment what with all the air bud "movies coming out every year, but this is where it all started. Jim Dale is just comic genius like his usual self hapless, much better than your doctor urinating in the exercise of films, because the burden to do and show his talent in many memorable scenes, including one where the legendary faints in size Digby dog bowl! incredible. Not having seen this DivX film Digby, the Biggest Dog in the World several years, recently I purchased a copy of a supermarket cart of negotiating a great price and is the best money I spent. What I have all my friends and family and we all agree is a truly magical DVD film Digby, the Biggest Dog in the World for all ages and no doubt a must see for everyone who likes to laugh at the dogs.
There are few films that are just fun for kids in the 1970s .... Most were British Film Follow ... to see a good Digby, the Biggest Dog in the World film with little Jim Dale is always a pleasure! The basic story is simple, children and the effects are well ... .. simple and is also serving as you can guess SIMPLE. This does not make for a simple children's DivX Movie Digby, the Biggest Dog in the World SIMPLE well. They show the fundamental goodness of the human spirit and some of the darker parts of the animals captured as they are too different! The jokes are embedded in the Digby, the Biggest Dog in the World film along with the basis of the 1970 British steriotypical images of the army, workers in the circus, and the average Joe on the street, but still holds together quite well. If nothing else this Digby, the Biggest Dog in the World Fantasy film is fun and carefree, not really leave you with something after having seen that apart from a warm glow lil!

Download Digby, the Biggest Dog in the World Movie Here
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