Midnight Run

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Download Movie Midnight RunMidnight Run
This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship., Monday... Escape with their lives from New York... Tuesday... Impersonate F.B.I. agents in Chicago... Wednesday... Steal plane in New Mexico... Thursday... Almost kill each other by accident... Friday... Almost kill each other on purpose..., Charles Grodin embezzled 15 million dollars. The mob wants him dead. The F.B.I. wants him alive. Robert De Niro just wants him to shut up., Taking The Midnight Run Is A Hell Of A Way To Make A Living, Robert De Niro has to get the FBI off his case, the mob off his trail, and Charles Grodin off his back!
Formats: hidivx, hpc, divx
Genres: Comedy, Thriller, Crime, Adventure, Action
Year: 1988
IMDB Rating: 7.40
IMDB Votes: 13539
Actors: DuClos, Danielle as Denise Walsh, Hall, Philip Baker as Sidney, Farina, Dennis as Jimmy Serrano, Toles-Bey, John as Monroe Bouchet, Pantoliano, Joe as Eddie Moscone, Ashton, John as Marvin Dorfler, Miranda, Robert as Joey, De Niro, Robert as Jack Walsh, Gillis, Mary as Bus Ticket Clerk, Kehoe, Jack as Jerry Geisler, McCleister, Tom as Bill 'Red' Wood, Foronjy, Richard as Tony Darvo, Kotto, Yaphet as FBI Agent Alonzo Mosely, Phillips, Wendy as Gail, Grodin, Charles as Jonathan Mardukas
Bounty hunter Jack Walsh is sent to find and return bail jumper and former Mafia accountant, Jonathan 'The Duke' Mardukas. The FBI have had no success it locating The Duke, so when Jack finds him in next to no time, they are a little embarrassed. In order to collect his $100,000 fee, Jack must take The Duke from New York to Los Angeles. However, the Mafia and the FBI have other ideas, as does Marvin, a rival bounty hunter. On their long cross-country trip to LA, the two get to know each other and they build up a strange friendship.
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Charles Grodin, De Niro, Ashton and Josh make a great and fun trio. Charles Grodin's comedy skeptimism of professionalism De Niro is hilarious. The scene, but are increasingly pursued by the helicopter is outstanding. I love the way they are all screaming and then heard Ashton comment that perhaps the helicopter is gone, and you hear Grodin reply, "Oh Im sure that we are perfectly safe" in a very dry tone is disapointed so funny. On a scale of 1-10, this film: Midnight Run breaks the meeter and goes to a 11.
great Robert De Niro, Charles Grodin, even better, makes the image come to life. History is great and unique. and must be seen by all that travel. joined by two people who should not be together and travel, trains and planes and cars, but fun, and more credible. Kotto is great as a true agent of the FBI, and convincing. worth seeing more than once.
This is a brilliant film. One of my favorites comidies up there with the likes of "Life of Brian." Anyone who has not seen this DivX Movie Midnight Run should immediately rent in video shops. Do not watch TV in the versions where the language is copied out. Blasphemy is in the Midnight Run film because it's funny. I give a little 10
This is a great and funny movie, and certainly not let me down to see the reading mentioned on the work of De Niro. This movie: Midnight Run has been totally ignored, and that's a shame. I never get tired of it. The music is excellent - playing folk, blues, country, rock, and the last track that follows the credits is impressive, with a length of nearly four minutes. This Midnight Run Comedy film is light years beyond any other "road movie", which mixes action and humor. Most movies are fungible road, but Midnight Run is a must-see. Unlike other people have commented here, not all versions have been edited for television. In reality I have been engraved on TV and everything about it. At least here the film: Midnight Run was "respected." The final scenes are so touching, when Jack Walsh said goodbye to the Duke and he gets a belt full of money. "We will see it the next life" that kind of saying yes, and Jack leave the airport. The final touch of irony is that, although it has a lot of money to a taxi driver refuses to leave because he believes that Jack is a comedian, so you have to walk in the rain. I think most enjoy the Midnight Run Comedy movie because I usually like road movies, in my country (Spain Europe) that does not come very often.
This has to be one of the most entertaining films I've seen. The action never gets too violent, and the comedy is great! It's great that Robert De Niro Jack Walsh choose to play, it adds a great sadness to nature. Charles Grodin is perfect as the Duke, other actors have made a "disturbing" as a charming Jonathan! The story is about a man (Grodin) who stole 15 million dollars from a Las Vegas gangster (Denis Farina), but then grabbed by police. He escaped from his bail and is now stuck in a career. A bounty hunter (De Niro) is trying to achieve it and bring it to LA. But only five days to do ... Of course, it is a roadmovie. This means that along the road (from New York to Los Angeles), the two characters (who are hunted by the FBI, the Mafia and another bounty hunter) as a start to each other. Or perhaps in the next life ...
This is the funniest Midnight Run Comedy I've seen situations hilarious, memorable lines, chases cars, characters you care, and even a dramatic scene that makes me mourn all the time. A true American classic: call it a "road movie" action comedy, buddy movie, whatever --- is a beautiful script, professionally executed. What a country, eh? What a country! My friends and I rented this Midnight Run movie for a reunion after 12 years, and we were rolling with laughter in five minutes. Do not see the TV if you have edited the f-word --- which are very important to the experience. I can not believe that: (a) this Midnight Run film did not get an Oscar, (b) is not well known even in the U.S., and (c) is not available in DVD version. I want to buy it! Why do not want to sell?

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