
Download Saw Movie Here
Download Movie SawSaw
Let the games begin!, Every puzzle has its pieces., Every piece has a puzzle., Dare you see SAW? (UK), Their saw isn't there to cut their chains, they are there to cut their feet., Death is a shortcut (Denmark), How do you solve a puzzle with pieces missing? [Australia], How much blood would you shed to stay alive?
Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Mystery, Crime, Horror, Thriller
Year: 2004
IMDB Rating: 7.70
IMDB Votes: 67280
Actors: Leigh Whannell, Elwes, Cary, Glover, Danny, Leung, Ken, Meyer, Dina, Mike Butters
Two men wake up at opposite sides of a dirty, disused bathroom, chained by their ankles to pipes. Between them lies a dead man loosely clutching a hand-held tape player and a handgun. Each finds a tape the perfect fit for the player in their back pocket. They play the tapes. One is threatened, the other isn't. But they have a task: One must kill the other by 6:00, or his wife and daughter will die. They find hacksaws in a toilet, and try to cut the chains, but it doesn't work. They are the two newest victims of the Jigsaw Killer. In a flashback, we learn of Amanda, a girl who falls victim to the Jigsaw Killer. On her head is a mask, which is hooked into her lower jaw. There is a timer on it. Only one key will unlock it, and that key is in the digestive tract of her cell mate who lies paralyzed on the opposite side of the room. If she doesn't unlock the mask in time, her lower jaw will be ripped wide open. She survives, but her cell mate doesn't. Through a series of flashbacks, we learn of more victims, and of the nearly-successful capture of the Jigsaw Killer, who doesn't actually kill his victims. Instead, he finds ways to make them kill either themselves, or each other, and he thinks the entire 'game' out perfectly, with no other ways out. Or so it would seem.
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If you do not mind taking into account that I am a commentator IMDb and voters, it would be a very good start to consider this revision, at least, almost objective. I see a lot of carefully selected films (which in this case fell to overestimate), and there are movies I love, I do not like movies at all, and I have good and bad comments, but one .. . the only word for this is a disease. Such James Wan is one of the legion of the main contributors to the preposterous, ridiculous, unnecessary and violent world we are living today, because the type of trash in this DVD movie Saw is such that there is no comparison no matter how you search. Even worse, this obscene orgy of violence is likely that he just so rich that it can and / or producers to make more of the same, taking into account the classification you have. But man, if the world is going crazy, I'm not, no matter what I think most people or do. Please do not spend a single penny in this case. A final word of advice: the plot is awful and the picture can not be darker.
This will not only create a Saw Mystery film extremely tense atmosphere at the time it starts, has a lot of blood and violence to bombard our eyes, let alone one who has seen drafts of the best in any horror movie. I saw this DivX film Saw alone at night with the lights off, waiting to be shocked by it, because I thought it was just a typical horror movie, but instead was completely intrigued by history, and totally involved in the Saw Mystery movie for the whole the 100 minutes. At the end I felt no fear, rather, I felt something very few horror films have to offer: the satisfaction! This DivX film Saw left me a little worried, but very serious condition. Do not give me nightmares, rather, a day full of my dreams, my thoughts for two days not to stray away from this film, which is more powerful it is. If you want a cringingly violent and bloody horror film, see "The Slaughter of Texas" or "Hostel," if you want a horror movie: Saw nightmarishly fear, see "The Grudge" or "The Ring", if you want an intelligent and disturbing horror Saw Mystery movie with a great history and a great twist, see "Saw."
This was a pretty decent Saw movie (compared with others in the genre), but the plot holes, logic flawed, and really small inconvenience that is not very good. The best thing I can say about "Saw" is definitely surprise and shock you. There are some great plot twists, even the most cynical film: Saw critics. It is fascinating and has a tendency to trap in which the claustrophobic terror, along with his characters. In most ways, it offers what you're expecting, then they want to see trailers. The worst thing you can say about "Saw" is that it falls short of its potential. The fear and excitement is diminished when the plot goes limp a few times. The characters lose their focus when the script is the weak points. If you focus on these issues far only frustrate you and take away your enjoyment of a good Saw Mystery otherwise. The saddest of these shortcomings is that with a bit of paving the "Saw" might have been a really great DVD movie Saw instead of merely good. However, for something that was written by two writers and was shot in 18 days, is commendable. Better than average? Yes worth seeing? Yes Funny? Hell yes. Enjoy.
I support this Saw Mystery movie as it was recommended to me by my niece and nephew, who will remain nameless. I can not abide American TV and this has all the worst elements of modern U.S. TV direction and worthless sound effects. It was totally predictable, so full of holes that could have been used as a sieve and in terms of performance, I have seen 10 times better in elementary school plays birth! Give it a miss, do not be fooled by the "Emperor's new clothes" driven hype. Listen American Americanised and children everywhere, is cool to think for yourself! Of course I said to my wife as soon as the arena opened in the shower completely abandoned the dead was not dead and probably will become the bad guy! And how the hell did that guy with the brain tumor are still manage perfectly well without breathing as a surgeon in the room can not see that he was alive. No suspension of disbelief and that allows it to be treated like an idiot. This DVD film Saw is your last question.

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