Masked and Anonymous

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Download Movie Masked and AnonymousMasked and Anonymous
Would you reach out your hand to save a drowning man if you thought he might pull you in?, Are you humble before God?, Expect the worst and you'll get it.
Formats: divx, hpc, ipod, hidivx
Genres: Music, Comedy, Drama
Year: 2003
IMDB Rating: 5.20
IMDB Votes: 1740
Actors: Angela Bassett as Mistress, Wilson, Luke as Bobby Cupid, Ribisi, Giovanni as Soldier, Dylan, Bob as Jack Fate, Lange, Jessica as Nina Veronica, Bauer, Steven as Edgar, Kilmer, Val as Animal Wrangler, Dern, Bruce as Editor, Marin, Cheech as Prospero, Cruz, Penelope as Pagan Lace, Penn, Chris as Crew Guy #2, Chan, Michael Paul as Guard, Bridges, Jeff as Tom Friend, Goodman, John as Uncle Sweetheart, Harris, Ed as Oscar Vogel
Against the backdrop of a nation on the brink of revolution, Uncle Sweetheart (John Goodman) and Nina Veronica (Jessica Lange) are slimy promoters planning a benefit concert. They desire the services of legendary singer Jack Fate (Bob Dylan), and soon Fate is sprung from jail. A rock journalist (played by Jeff Bridges) investigates the concert, attempting to determine just who will benefit. Revolution may be raging outside the arena, but Jack Fate and the benefit concert play on as planned.
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It seems that was the idea of history directly to the screen. Almost bolted from the theater on several occasions but I had cleared my night to go to a free preview screening. I would say that the Masked and Anonymous Music film was not going to recover, but the musical performances by Bob Dylan, at least I have the other "actors" to stop talking. Bob Dylan is the only saving grace of the movie: Masked and Anonymous and not worth the time or effort. I walked out after 90 minutes. Better spend some time wandering aimlessly to spend another minute watching this film: Masked and Anonymous just made. It seems that video was filmed and the cast responds to the low budget effort to walk through their roles. And he wrote that cliché ridden dialogue?

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