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Luck has nothing to do with the games they play., Winner loses all., Don't Push Your Luck., They had it all, they ran the show, and it was paradise...while it lasted., No one stays at the top forever.
Formats: hpc, hidivx, 720p, divx
Genres: Crime, Drama
Year: 1995
IMDB Rating: 7.90
IMDB Votes: 47819
Actors: Jones, L. Q. as Pat Webb, Rickles, Don as Billy Sherbert, Smothers, Dick as Senator, Vincent, Frank as Frank Marino, Pesci, Joe as Nicky Santoro, Woods, James as Lester Diamond, De Niro, Robert as Sam 'Ace' Rothstein, King, Alan as Andy Stone, Prophet, Melissa as Jennifer Santoro, Cajano, Pasquale as Remo Gaggi, Vella, Vinny as Artie Piscano, Rigano, Joseph as Vincent Borelli, Pollak, Kevin as Phillip Green, Bloom, John as Don Ward, Stone, Sharon as Ginger McKenna/Rothstein
This Martin Scorsese film depicts the Janus-like quality of Las Vegas—it has a glittering, glamorous face, as well as a brutal, cruel one. Ace Rothstein and Nicky Santoro, mobsters who move to Las Vegas to make their mark, live and work in this paradoxical world. Seen through their eyes, each as a foil to the other, the details of mob involvement in the casinos of the 1970's and '80's are revealed. Ace is the smooth operator of the Tangiers casino, while Nicky is his boyhood friend and tough strongman, robbing and shaking down the locals. However, they each have a tragic flaw—Ace falls in love with a hustler, Ginger, and Nicky falls into an ever-deepening spiral of drugs and violence.
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Being a big fan of mob movies, I've seen a lot of them. Casino ranks to the top, along with the list of Goodfellas and The Godfather. Yes, the Casino Crime is long .. Lasts about three hours, which could be a bit too long for a DivX film Casino to the last. How to keep the interest up to? Casino means a lot of talk and only brief overview of the action. Fortunately, the plot is interesting, but easy to follow. This does not mean that the plot is stupid, but .. And the action .. Well, do not come for any of that "Bam, your dead"-a bit of action. This creates some really bloody executions. This movie: Casino is not for the fainthearted .. Sharon Stone was actually surprisingly good, it was very annoying .. which is exactly what it should be. Each actor took his role as a result, it is kind of hard to say anything about De Niro .. His character does not show many feelings, but De Niro is still one of my favorite actors. Excellent movie, only it takes a while to see. If you are in the mafia-things, surely like this.
I love Casino especially if I see that from the beginning. Robert DeNiro should have won an Oscar for this performance, along with Joe Pesci and Sharon Stone. The Casino Crime film is quite entertaining on casinos before becoming Disneyland. There were other great performances of Don Rickles, Alan King, etc. The film: Casino is a DVD movie Casino by Martin Scorsese, with two of his favorite actors - Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci Oscar performances. The script was fresh and entertaining. I must also say that James Woods's performance as a pimp ginger was worthy of being nominated for best supporting actor. This Casino movie has several great scenes and moments. In the end, we really do not want to end because it's so good. I love how Ace and Nicky (Joe Pesci's character) to narrate and explain the ongoing activities between the Las Vegas Casino and its connection to Kansas City, Missouri. I love watching the scenes of Ace is in control and the corruption that occurs. But is this kind of movie. You know what happens, but enjoy the ride anyway and enjoy this movie. We always hope that the cable stations. Of course, Ace and Nicky friendship is the crutch of this movie.
One of the best films of Scorsese, and one of the best films of the 90s, "Casino" has a non-prohibited-criminal drama that never fails to entertain, while also telling an intriguing story. I'm not a big fan of gangster / mafia movies (only a few exceptions), but this goes beyond my personal biases. The acting is phenomenal. De Niro, Pesci and Stone are perfectly cast and give performances with the depth that is rarely seen on the big screen. Scorsese crafts this Casino Crime movie with all of his usual intensity and the result is a masterpiece, which certainly is not three hours! If the mob of the movies that you like it or not, give this one a try ... you may be surprised. Certainly was.

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