Bad Boys II

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Download Movie Bad Boys IIBad Boys II

Formats: divx, hidivx, hpc
Genres: Comedy, Adventure, Action
Year: 2003
IMDB Rating: 6.10
IMDB Votes: 24587
Actors: Sanchez, Otto as Carlos, Smith, Will as Detective Mike Lowrey, Rollins, Henry as TNT Leader, Corone, Antoni as DEA Tony Dodd, Seda, Jon as Roberto, Lawrence, Martin as Detective Marcus Burnett, Stormare, Peter as Alexei, Pantoliano, Joe as Captain Howard, Randle, Theresa as Theresa, Shannon, Michael as Floyd Poteet, Olazabal, Jason Manuel as Detective Marco Vargas, Vazquez, Yolanda as Detective Mateo Reyes, Nickens, Gary as TNT Fanuti, Union, Gabrielle as Syd, Molla, Jordi as Hector Juan Carlos 'Johnny' Tapia
Narcotics cops Mike Lowrey (Smith) and Marcus Bennett (Lawrence) head up a task force investigating the flow of ecstasy into Miami. Their search leads to a dangerous kingpin, whose plan to control the city's drug traffic has touched off an underground war. Meanwhile, things get sexy between Mike and Syd (Union), Marcus's sister.
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Despite the shooting and the world's most comical styles acentric Martin Lawerence this is a good sequel. In a year of this terrible continuations Flic stuck out. However, have been used over the history of police ingulping of the city, trying to take a drug lord, all while haveing a captin who wount fire to the police, but hates all of them.
Bad Boys 2 had everything in it .. maybe that's why I was 2 ½ hours long .. but it is definitely worth it. It was hilarious Will Martin and Will were really funny especialy in the scene in which a poor child to take Martin's daughter to the movies. The main reason cruel criticism with this DivX film Bad Boys II is because I had a lot of racial jokes, and unfortunately the critics are trying to be politically correct and not loose. This is just a great summer movie! no plot behind it .. only for pure entertainment and we all have to be able to laugh at ourselves .. I know that I and my friends ... Cannot Wait Bad Boys 3
Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawerence) are back on the streets of Miami, trying to stop the flow of X in the U.S. for drug kinpin Johnny Tapia (Jordi Molla). This sequel is better for me then the first is more fun and more action from the first movie. I mean the first "Bad Boys" is one of my favorite movies of all time, just because it was the old police friend of the films to another level. It follows that the step leads to another, creating more violence and humor to the first DVD film Bad Boys II had. Will and Martin continued his great screen presence they had in the first, if you tried to do this kind of action or comedy movie: Bad Boys II duet with any of these (try watching the "national security"), you will see that these two have only one chemistry that can not be invincible. The two of them fighting back and forth makes you smile, then they are there for each other, they know they have love for each other as true brothers. This DVD movie Bad Boys II is my favorite Bad Boys II film of the summer, has yet to be beaten by any movie: Bad Boys II that came out (it only beat out a "Pirates of the Caribbean") to take its place as my favorite movie: Bad Boys II of the summer, I thought more weeks to follow.
This was a very fun Bad Boys II Comedy film to watch. It has some intense action sequences. In fact, a lot of intense action sequences. The shooting does not stop and explosions continue to arrive. Martin Lawrence and Will Smith are hysterical once again. Joe Pantoliano and the movie: Bad Boys II makes everything better. The two funniest scenes are when Burnett and Lowery are scaring the hell out of Burnett, the daughter of the date and after the hunting scene with dead bodies and Captain Howard goes off in both. Absolutely hilarious! My only complaint is that it seems that the writers were running out of raw material used and the output of humor as rats and cadavers have sex to lose your head. Not funny. Otherwise it is fun because of the incredible chemistry between the two drivers. I still prefer the original Bad Boys, but this is still a great moment in cinema. 7 / 10

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