
Download Rendition Movie Here
Download Movie RenditionRendition
What if someone you love...just disappeared?
Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Drama, Thriller
Year: 2007
IMDB Rating: 6.90
IMDB Votes: 11286
Actors: Khouas, Moa as Khalid, Oukach, Zineb as Fatima Fawal, Naor, Yigal as Abasi Fawal, Witherspoon, Reese as Isabella Fields El-Ibrahimi, Gyllenhaal, Jake as Douglas Freeman, Streep, Meryl as Corrine Whitman, Fabrizio, David as William Dixon, Roukhe, Driss as Bahi, J.K. Simmons as Lee Mayer, Gunton, Bob as Lars Whitman, Malek-Yonan, Rosie as Nuru El-Ibrahimi, Margoum, Mounir as Rani, Mrabti, Laila as Lina Fawal, Knight, Aramis as Jeremy El-Ibrahimi, Metwally, Omar as Anwar El-Ibrahimi
After a terrorist bombing kills an American envoy in a foreign country. An investigation leads to an Egyptian who has been living in the United States for years and who is married to an American. He is apprehended when he's on his way home. The U.S. sends him to the country where the incident occurs for interrogation which includes torture. An American CIA operative observes the interrogation and is at odds whether to keep it going or to stop it. In the meantime, the man's wife raises hell to find him despite being pregnant but the person behind this refuses to help or give her any information.
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CIA analyst Douglas Freeman (Gyllenhaal) comes to see his first secret interrogation when Anwar (Metwally) is accused of having contact with a known terrorist bomb maker. Anwar's wife (Witherspoon) is furious about her husband. Not only when he likes the title of a DVD film Rendition sent to a dictionary? I have an old edition of this release is not a piece of music. No, the Government is how to make a legal resident or citizen of a place to interrogate and possibly some use of torture to obtain the desired information. While watching this movie: Rendition reminded me of a similar story line in the TV show "Crossing Jordan (currently off the air), and I hope that we will see even more of these story lines. It is inevitable. The events of 911 are the catalysts. This is a hard to see because we do not like seeing people tortured and our government not telling the truth about things. We like the idea that no matter what happens or happened that we can go somewhere to find answers, but when that door is closed to us, we are lost and without hope that was the wife of Anwar. Performances were all first class and you may see more than IGAI Naor (I have no idea how to pronounce it) because it looks and can act as Telly Savalas. No kidding. Violence: Yes, Sex: No, Nudity: No Language: Yes
Made on the basis of history born abroad a U.S. citizen which is drawn from a U.S. airport and free spirit for torture in a distant country. As his wife tries to find government agents trying to help them and hinder their search. Meanwhile, the agent in charge of torture begins to have a crisis of faith (torture is OK?) And while we see the family of the torturer and his daughter who is in love with a couple of very mixed with some religious people. Trying to cover too much territory this DivX Movie Rendition has too many characters and too much happening. Its blended so that when I realized that the events were compounded by jumbling the time line I had to throw up my hands and I wonder how this Rendition movie ready to be manipulative. To make sure the Rendition film is serious and it raises many questions, but here you have material for at least two, three, maybe better, less complicated than the movies that have gained through ideas rather than mashing them all together. I admire the seriousness of the DVD movie Rendition much more than making the film: Rendition itself. Forgive me that I do not like being manipulated. Wait for your cable of lesser quality will be less obvious. (five out of ten)
Delivery presents a highly topical issue in the form of a very tense thriller. It is a grip, not a preaching film. To see in an Arab country with a mixture of Arabic and European public gave him an extra layer of the atmosphere. The audience was totally gripped by the DivX Movie Rendition and gave a strong round of applause afterwards. The story of an Egyptian woman married to an American, picked up on suspicion of links with terrorist organizations and sent to a friendly (with U.S.) Arab country to "enhance interrogation (like the Meryl Streep character in the DVD film Rendition says "We do not torture in the U.S.") seems to be front page news today. There is a very neat connection between the different characters that appear in the Rendition Drama movie and the pace of the Rendition Drama movie never falls. The movies 'message appears to be (as stated Jake Gyllenhal's character in the film) that the kidnapping and torturing suspected terrorists to create many more. The acting is uniformly excellent with Streep and Reese Witherspoon's stand out. Do not miss out.
I liked this movie. I saw a packed house at the International Film Festival in Toronto the day after the opening gala that have gone over well. The director, Gavin Hood, was supposed to be here today for the selection, but unfortunately their twins were born just hours earlier, so a jet on a flight back. '2 Birthings in 24 hours "was the way it poked fun at it. Delivery refers to 'extraordinary rendition' - a term that the alleged terrorists in the U.S. can be sent without the consent of their parents nations, to prisons abroad for interrogation and detention. It is quite predictable - innocent Egyptian-American man wrongly accused of being a terrorist "disappeared" while on the road to South Africa to Washington DC. He is sent abroad, while women at home (Reese Witherspoon) and struggle to find it without him. But what makes this film: Rendition special are some good choices in the narrative: 1) a human touch-history of what is happening in the place where a suicide bomber detonated the bombs, 2) the humanity of a CIA agent trying to understand and to be honest with what is really happening, and 3) the chronology of the narrative that makes it a firm, taut story that moves and jerks on the right moments. Ah - relief! And a mixture of emotions that swirl around the story as a struggle to end. All around strong acting with Meryl Streep as a standout fox.

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