Superhero Movie

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Download Movie Superhero MovieSuperhero Movie
The greatest Superhero movie of all time! (not counting all the others)
Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Comedy, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Action
Year: 2008
IMDB Rating: 3.80
IMDB Votes: 4719
Actors: Bierko, Craig as Wolverine, Hansen, Ryan as Lance Landers, Tambor, Jeffrey as Dr. Whitby, McDonald, Christopher as Lou Landers/Hourglass, Bell, Drake as Rick Riker/Dragonfly, Hart, Kevin as Trey, Cohen, Sam as Young Rick Riker, Joy, Robert as Dr. Stephen Hawking, Rex, Simon as The Human Torch, Nielsen, Leslie as Uncle Albert Adams, Tillman, Richard as Leg-Shaving Wolverine, David, Keith as The Chief of Police, Morgan, Tracy as Professor Xavier, Spiner, Brent as Dr. Strom, Hays, Robert as Blaine Riker
Orphaned high school student Rick Riker is bitten by a radioactive dragonfly, develops super powers (except for the ability to fly), and becomes a hero.
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OK ... the trailer gave me hope, the trailer is, this DivX Movie Superhero Movie finally returning impressive jokes and gags of the great Airplane! And Naked Gun films, and he did, of course not the most efficient way. This is a great great great start for everyone who wants to see the great spoof movies make a comeback. There were a few gags that are slightly higher, not to my surprise, but there are other jokes that brought memories of classic films. There was so much pop culture as vomit-enducing other films like Meet the Spartans, and other atrocities, but of course there are, but I blame them, there are references to pop culture in the Airplane movies, too. That put a smile on my face when I heard a good phrase in this film: "fruitcake?" "Oh no, I just have not met the right women." You have to be honest, it certainly brings some hope that the producers are trying to bring back. I say give it a chance, I have all the great Parodies DVD, I know my parody movie, and I can guarantee that this DVD film Superhero Movie is not as bad as others may say it is, and does so entirely Meet the Spartans and Epic Movie are watching that garbage .
... and that's all to remember him. At first they were not so bad (2 instead, therefore, 1), but the last 4 / 5 are horrible. It was not in the movies and not buy, that's the good news, but I spent 100 minutes to see with friends. Trying to be fresh and updated is fine, but such films are not contemporary at all, that's the problem. I feel I have to write 10 lines about this DVD movie Superhero Movie is not worth much assistance. However I have decided to do it ... to preserve others to waste their time with the story boring. To be honest, not much more "serious" the most boring films.
I happened to rent this DVD film Superhero Movie with my sister in the hope of seeing a great Superhero Movie Comedy movie entertaining, it was humor, but my expectations were disappointed. Beyond this Superhero Movie Comedy was disgusting and repulsive to a PG-13 movie, this should have been rated "R" of the many references that are mature in this film. I will not recommend allowing a teenager to 13 years to see this. Even if no one under 17 years of seeing this film, watch a really stupid movie, there's no humor in the movie, just a bunch of disgusting sexual references with a small hint of pedophilia, not something that should be even joked about. I wonder what happened to the PG-13 movies that were actually a real safe for 13 years? This is the Superhero Movie Comedy beyond a regrettable and should be re-evaluated.
I have not laughed so long! From beginning to end, is just filled with outrageously funny jokes that have to be laughing out loud, but only if you love movies fake! A masterstroke was to the king of parodies such as Steve Martin's grandfather. This has everything in the rectum of humor and parody to the usual gags and bathroom in this DivX film Superhero Movie where Rick Riker is on the ceiling of the grandmother in your bathroom floor on Day Thanksgiven in his suit is as much fun as is unbearable! Just before the scene you see your grandma stuffing the turkey that is absolutely clear and big ginormous too big for the oven, but still ends up being cut and cooked), with a range of things including a house cat alive! This is a must for film: Superhero Movie lovers everywhere Parodies!
The recent parody movies like Date move, Epic Movie and Meet the Spartan, and now Superhero Movie. There are two types of film-parody Parodies crappy as Epic Movie and Meet the Spartans, who have almost no plot just the stupid and disgusting jokes in pieces of 1 hours and 15 minutes and the other is the serious parody movies like Scary Movie and the recent superhero movie: Superhero Movie that has the element of parody films, Superhero Movie spoofing "is about superheroes and all that is good to see them do a parody and not as principal Epic Movie Meet the Spartan or the director just any fragment in this film. The story has the potential to develop its story, but only chooses to maintain his usual false argument, most disgusting sex jokes and stupid unrealistic plot. It's all fake Spider-Man and other superheroes like Fantastic 4, X-men and many more than the false bottom. Any false, as in Spider-man, you know what is the story. I find it quite disappointing, I expected some fight scenes that do not really feature. The trailers are promising, but not really live up to my expectations. General: Not a bad Superhero Movie Comedy movie parody, but it can do much better development of the story. He is currently one of the best spoof movies recently. Those who like spoof movies including Meet the spartan, they should take it. Those finding a comedy, probably this benefit and not expect much. Those who hate movies totally untrue, that you should probably rent it on DVD, if you feel bored. Try not to wait too long, leave your brain at the door and relax watching.
Now it's official, this will be the last modern parody DVD film Superhero Movie which never see. After Meet The Spartans do not know why I bother, even with this thing. The concept and the trailer seems fun, but, believe me, it is not. It is, undoubtedly, a great swing and a miss, given the potential. The trailer contained the only material that could be considered funny. I never laughed once throughout the film. It was also remarkable spirit means. Unless you find the death, cruelty, almost naked and high rates of fat flatulence funny, do not bother with this waste of film. Potty humor and genuine meanness of it offers all this. N intelligent parody, no sexual innuendo and not a real laugh at all. One of the worst films of the year.

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