Hotel Rwanda

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Download Movie Hotel RwandaHotel Rwanda
When the world closed its eyes, he opened his arms.
Formats: 720p
Genres: Thriller, War, Drama, History
Year: 2004
IMDB Rating: 8.50
IMDB Votes: 19450
Actors: Mashile, Lebo as Odette, Mali, Xolani as Policeman, Kae-Kazim, Hakeem as George Rutaganda, Ndlovu, Jeremiah as Old Guard, Nolte, Nick as Colonel Oliver, Okonedo, Sophie as Tatiana Rusesabagina, Lyons, Antonio David as Thomas Mirama, McCarthy, Neil as Jean Jacques, Cheadle, Don as Paul Rusesabagina, Khumalo, Leleti as Fedens, Motene, Rosie as Receptionist, Mokoena, Fana as General Bizimungu, Dube, Desmond as Dube, Kgoroge, Tony as Gregoire, Sithole, Mabutho 'Kid' as Head Chef
Ten years ago some of the worst atrocities in the history of mankind took place in the country of Rwanda--and in an era of high-speed communication and round the clock news, the events went almost unnoticed by the rest of the world. In only three months, one million people were brutally murdered. In the face of these unspeakable actions, inspired by his love for his family, an ordinary man summons extraordinary courage to save the lives of over a thousand helpless refugees, by granting them shelter in the hotel he manages.
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**** Don Cheadle, Nick Nolte, Jophie Okonedo, Hakeem Kae-Kazim, Desmond Dube, Joaquin Phoenix. Directed by Terry George. By far this is one of the best since Taylor Hackford Biopics "Ray." The story is a Hotel manager Paul Rusesabagina (Cheadle, Oscar calibrated performance with its performance in the murder of Richard Nixon) keeps Tutsi refugees in his four-star hotel Hutu rebels abroad. As the risk of his life to save the lives of many with the help of Nick Nolte in Paul that he helps, but does not mind. The Hotel Rwanda movie shows that Cheadle is becoming one of our best players and rising through the ranks to about Paul Giamatti caliber. Terry George director / writer with the help of Keir Pearson do a fantastic job of recreating the chaos of 1994. "Hotel Rwanda" is beautiful, inspiring and very convincing performance Cheadle. This is one of the best films of the year and one of the best I've seen. Bravo!
The DivX film Hotel Rwanda was brilliant I had to see the history class and learned a lot. I wanted to see the movie: Hotel Rwanda Don Chedle is great and is great in this particular role. His wife was big too. This is a Must see the movie. That will take you back to Rwanda, where he was in trouble and nobody came to help a guy who protected Tutsi except 1000 and is a hero in Rwanda. It's sad because even though it was a war and a lot of people died. Very educational and a good lesson to learn about peace and war. The Hotel Rwanda movie was so great, but very sad and I cried, I am writing an essay on the film. I also want to see again. It was so good and there is a lesson to learn and to help maintain peace between people. I felt very sad for the people of Rwanda who have lost family members.
I will not take the time to add all of the great reviews in the database. Could do that later. I just want to comment on the handful of "hate" comments should cause anyone to consider not see this important film. First, for those of you who complain about some of the plot structure. Did you miss that this is a true story? Secondly, for the few who found that compassion is just shaking in his case. You have no soul. I pray for you .... See this DVD movie Hotel Rwanda and we all know they do the same. Racism is a sin that has caused so much suffering. Do your part to put an end forever.
The only comment I can give about this Hotel Rwanda Thriller movie is - SEE IT. One of the most heart wrenching, but beautiful movies I have ever seen. I really hope that Don Cheadle and the Hotel Rwanda Thriller film received Oscar! The performance is excellent and the fact this is based on a true story only makes it better. You may need Kleenex as I was overwhelmed by a large part of this movie. I had the honor of seeing this Hotel Rwanda Thriller movie at a preview screening with reality "Paul" and his wife attend - an absolute incredible experience of being in his presence. This DVD film Hotel Rwanda will make you rethink everything about what it means to be human and how we must think of all our neighbors in this world. Do not miss it!

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