Abbott and Costello Go to Mars

Download Abbott and Costello Go to Mars Movie Here
Download Movie Abbott and Costello Go to MarsAbbott and Costello Go to Mars
THEY'RE OUT OF THIS WORLD ON A MISGUIDED MISSLE!, They're too wild for one world!
Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Comedy, Sci-Fi, Fantasy
Year: 1953
IMDB Rating: 5.90
IMDB Votes: 1288
Actors: Kirk, Joe as Dr. Orvilla, Hyer, Martha as Janie, Hoy, Renate as Handmaiden, Blanchard, Mari as Allura, Hampton, Ruth as Handmaiden, Jackson, Valerie as Handmaiden, Loughery, Jackie as Venusian Guard, Ekberg, Anita as Venusian Guard, Kruschen, Jack as Harry, Abbott, Bud as Lester, Flavin, James as First Policeman in Bank, Paige, Robert as Dr. Wilson, Costello, Lou as Orville, McMahon, Horace as Mugsy, Willes, Jean as Capt. Olivia
Lester and Orville accidentally launch a rocket which is supposed to fly to Mars. Instead it goes to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. They are then forced by bank robber Mugsy and his pal Harry to fly to Venus where they find a civilization made up entirely of women, men having been banished.
Download Abbott and Costello Go to Mars Movie Here

Download Abbott and Costello Go to Mars Movie Here
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