Take the Money and Run

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Download Movie Take the Money and RunTake the Money and Run
crime lives!, He robbed 16 banks. He got caught 16 times. His record is perfect., WANTED. For Assault, Armed Robbery and Committing a Lewd and Immoral Dance with a Chocolate Pudding.
Formats: divx, hidivx, hpc
Genres: Comedy, Crime
Year: 1969
IMDB Rating: 7.20
IMDB Votes: 5048
Actors: Leff, Henry as Mr. Starkwell, Virgil's Father, Storm, Howard as Fred, Murphy, Micil as Frank, Merlin, Jan as Al, Beck, Jackson as The Narrator, Jacobson, Nate as The Judge, Bauer, Grace as Farm House Lady, Hyde, Jacquelyn as Miss Blair, Hillaire, Marcel as Fritz, Margolin, Janet as Louise, Anderson, James as Chain Gang Warden, Moskowitz, Minnow as Joe Agneta, Chapman, Lonny as Jake, Gordon, Mark as Vince
This film is presented as a documentary on the life of an incompetent, petty criminal called Virgil Starkwell, played by Woody Allen. It describes the early childhood and youth of Virgil, his failure at a musical career, and his obsession with bank robberies. The film uses a voice over narrative and interviews with his family, friends and acquaintances.
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In an era of successful comedy funny Tee hee, this is a knee-slapping side FUNNY sharing the production of tear break-the-DVD-and-not-miss-a-line-movie. Hollywood movies do not just like this. It is a love story between a thief and a beautiful woman. No, is the story of a little red-headed boy who went to get the worst bank robbery ever. No, is the story of a building to escape prison. That is all. Woody could have just fall crazy in love with Virgil Louise wants to spend the rest of her life with her, then, only then decide not to steal her handbag. Classic. Woody would have his bank robber leaves a workbench with a mis-spelled note then have him escape from a chain gang walk running alongside the men on bicycles. Film and fantastic fun for all. Prepare to laugh.
Years prior to Spinal Tap, Woody Allen exploded in a cinema with its simple, innovative, Zany mockumentary TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN submission that run the story of a hapless Starkwell Virgilio, one of many anti-heroes Allen , entered into a life of crime, but even then it was considered unsuitable for the umpteenth level. In one of the films most hilarious moments (which is a nod to the kind of surrealism and the cinema of the brain absurd that defended Buñuel) Starkwell trying to steal a bank in the most polite of ways, but none of the employees can make their minds if the word you have written is "gub" or "rubber". (Actually it's "weapon"). However, a phase of competition in which people can vote for those who prefer to rob the bank. Woody Allen was asked by his producers to change the final to take the money and RUN as it was considered too bloody (it was, in fact, supposedly similar to that of BONNIE AND CLYDE), so that the end of which survives today in day. On the whole the Take the Money and Run Comedy film is a classic of early Allen comedy and crazy features Starkwell Janet Margolin as the partner and then-wife Louise Lasser in a small role.
This is the first truly "Woody Allen" DivX Movie Take the Money and Run - directed by and starring Allen himself. Previously had theirs at the moment, the good name of some projects as CASINO ROYALE horrible, what's up TIGER LILY? and WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT? Although I will be among the first to say that many of the jokes fall flat, which makes it fun and unusual way that is easy to forgive the DVD film Take the Money and Run for many short-comings. One of the stupidest and funniest of the DivX film Take the Money and Run was how it was made semi-documentary style of the parents and this came with "Groucho Glasses" (with a false nose, mustache, etc. And when mom says "it was a good boy and dad interrupted, saying it was "always wrong - I never knew it for nothing" was a riot and was therefore the opposite of what you'd expect to see in this documentary. Other highlights include his becoming, temporarily, a rabbi Hessidic, escaped from the chain and the sequence of an abortive bank robbery gang. I have seldom laughed so hard - it's as fun and this is a spark of shame crude humor rarely been as evident in his later films.
Woody Allen shows his brilliant gift of comedy with this first film. Not many comedians could pull out a joke that a side effect of a drug is growing a beard and speaks as a Jewish rabbi. Woody plays Starkwell Virgilio, pathological liar and a clumsy thief who falls in love with the beautiful Louise, played by Janet Margolin. What kind of Virgil feel the lack of direction with his life and the root for its success with something, even if it is stolen. Woody's dialogue and the variety of characters to keep their interest. The Take the Money and Run Comedy movie is also peppered with amusing anecdotes, as when Virgil asked if he thinks s ex * is dirty and he replied "only if you are doing well." Woody also comes with many memorable as when he and Louise Åre discussing what color the shirt should be used for a robbery. Woody again cuts a hole in a window and runs the jewelry with the piece of glass. Allen had earlier influences of comics, but uses that influence to develop a truly original style.
Take the Money and Run (1969) Woody Allen was the debut DivX film Take the Money and Run (without 'Tiger Lily). The Take the Money and Run Comedy film follows the life of a criminal loser, fake a shot in documentary style. Allen used up their small budget and a fun movie. This was the beginning of his antics / farce phase lasting until the early 70's. One interesting point of departure for one of the most outstanding performers of the era. The plot of Woody Allen and Mickey Rose is deeply engraved with Screwball comedy icons of their childhood, like the Marx Brothers and Charlie Chaplin. This movie: Take the Money and Run shows the promise of a brilliant director who would become an important actor in Hollywood in the years ahead. Highly recommended. A.
Woody Allen hit gold with his second film, "Take the Money and Run", a DVD movie Take the Money and Run that works on many levels and is strictly for his memorable charm and good wit. The story follows Allen Starkwell Virgilio, whose life is told in documentary fashion. We learned that there was a strange child and return to crime to meet their needs. We learned of his romance and sympathize with him as we engage in prison escapes and witnesses in a chain gang. The documentary style might be a trick type, but it works because the story has been told otherwise simply would not have worked. Also, "Take the money" is a first taste of what's to come and what the public at large expects Allen; good theater balanced fast, witty monologues and many self-humiliation. To see this is the witness of the director's first work, which ultimately brought us "banana", "Sleeper," "Manhattan" and the Oscar-winning "Annie Hall." And if anything, only because of its track over the top humor, not as funny as your face in "Sleeper", or sex as hilarious as "Annie Hall" but warm and withdrawn, balanced by a very good final (always one of the weakest parts in almost all of Allen's films). Highly recommended! *** + (8.5/10)

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