Red Planet

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Download Movie Red PlanetRed Planet
Not A Sound. Not A Warning. Not A Chance. Not Alone., The Color Of Fear, They Didn't Find Life On Mars. It Found Them.
Formats: hpc, hidivx, divx
Genres: Action, Thriller, Sci-Fi
Year: 2000
IMDB Rating: 5.20
IMDB Votes: 12596
Actors: Baker, Simon as Chip Pettengill, Jessica Morton, Moss, Carrie-Anne as Cmdr. Kate Bowman, Stamp, Terence as Dr. Bud Chantilas, Bratt, Benjamin as Lt. Ted Santen, Kilmer, Val as Robby Gallagher, Neill, Bob as Houston Control, Bossi, Caroline as Website Fan, Morton, Jessica B. as Website Fan, Sizemore, Tom as Dr. Quinn Burchenal
In the near future, Earth is dying. A new colony on Mars could be humanity's only hope. A team of American astronauts, each a specialist in a different field, is making the first manned expedition to the red planet and must struggle to overcome the differences in their personalities, backgrounds and ideologies for the overall good of the mission. When their equipment suffers life-threatening damage and the crew must depend on one another for survival on the hostile surface of Mars, their doubts, fears and questions about God, man's destiny and the nature of the universe become defining elements in their fates. In this alien environment they must come face to face with their most human selves.
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Val Kilmer and crew land on Mars with the idea that Terraforming, the way we have some of our terraformed deserts. Algae and a plant supposed to help with an overcrowded, worn-out earth, but something happens to the algae. And that does not help the crew to have a low level of oxygen and is facing a very bad storm. Worse, a mobile robotic device imbued with artificial intelligence goes crazy and tries to kill Kilmer. Costars Carrie-Ann Moss, mercy and has a shower scene. Kilmer, Gary Sinise as a mission to Mars has been miscast and shows. The DVD movie Red Planet was released and while the mission. I prefer to mission, with all its defects.
This is not a great movie. You do not have a great performance. But they could have done much worse. I enjoyed watching, just for the sheer entertainment. I will not rent or purchase a copy, but it is on television, I think I would see him again:). The Red Planet film shows that there is a use of technical advisers to make the story sound plausible, but that's no reason to see it. Is a typical space mission that has abused the Red Planet Action film "Then do it for me" line. The effect was cheesy in some places and in others quite surprising. If your goal expectations low for this film, you'll enjoy it. It is not epic, just a little sense of science fiction. Someone has to think of a drinking game based on this movie. Eric
This is a great science fiction film. Enjoyable from start to finish. Was surprised to see the review of low here. The story is very engaging and the production quality is fantastic. I also recently saw "Mission Mars", released at the same time. That Red Planet Action movie was terrible. This cheesy, typical characters of Hollywood. Anyway, I deviate. None of that exists on the Red Planet, remains focused on offering the viewer a realistic look at the future of science fiction. Around 2050, we see a possible venture to Mars. All designs in the series, the space of the nave, all the scenes on Mars were very good. Interesting characters on questions that arise. See this movie! you will not be disappointed.

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