Mars Attacks!

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Download Movie Mars Attacks!Mars Attacks!
YIKES! They've Landed!, Nice planet. We'll take it!
Formats: hpc, hidivx, divx
Genres: Action, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Thriller, Comedy
Year: 1996
IMDB Rating: 6.20
IMDB Votes: 47890
Actors: Short, Martin as Press Secretary Jerry Ross, Haas, Lukas as Richie Norris, Close, Glenn as First Lady Marsha Dale, Steiger, Rod as General Decker, Bening, Annette as Barbara Land, Brown, Jim as Byron Williams, Jones, Tom as Himself, Nicholson, Jack as President James Dale/Art Land, Marie, Lisa as Martian Girl, Fox, Michael J. as Jason Stone, Portman, Natalie as Taffy Dale, Parker, Sarah Jessica as Nathalie Lake, Brosnan, Pierce as Professor Donald Kessler, DeVito, Danny as Rude Gambler, Grier, Pam as Louise Williams
It is a normal day for everyone, until the President of the United States (Nicholson). They are able to get in contact with the Martians, and arrange for a meeting behind them and us humans. But not everything goes to plan, and the Martians have other plans for Earth. Are they just misunderstood beings? or do they really want to destroy all of humanity.
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