Henry Poole Is Here

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Download Movie Henry Poole Is HereHenry Poole Is Here

Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Year: 2008
IMDB Rating: 6.20
IMDB Votes: 107
Actors: Mitchell, Rhada, Dahl, Noah as Young Henry Poole, Smith, Don as Supermarket Shopper, Mitchell, Radha as Dawn Stupek, Garayua, Gloria as Female Worshipper, Lopez, George, Wilson, Luke as Henry Poole, Elizondo, Gizza as Cancer Survivor, Furst, Elaine Anne as Supermarket Shopper, Grant, Beth as Josie, Santino, Andrew as Orderly, Callahan, Dan, Carroll, Earl as Mr. Lawrence, Jung, Marcus Maria as Mortician, Barraza, Adriana
Henry Poole abandons his fiancee and family business to spend what he believes are his remaining days alone. The discovery of a 'miracle' by a nosy neighbor ruptures his solitude and restores his faith in life.
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Luke Wilson is a man who wants to live a life of quiet desperation and drown his sorrows in alcohol as much as possible. However, when the house purchase is a water stain in the stucco on the back of a neighbor who takes to be the face of God, he is forced to interact with people around him. Funny little story that somehow makes all the characters of its nature and does so in a comedy about how the faith of a person around the affects of it. I liked it. I really do not know what else to say beyond that. Between 6 and 7 out of 10
Although I do not believe in God, I find this Henry Poole Is Here Comedy film very powerful and enjoyable to watch. Yes .... This Henry Poole Is Here Comedy film will have a strong impact on Christians and the faith of God, but also a happy and well-written story. Luke Wilson does a great job as the main pool that Henry suffers from a terminal illness. His story is even sadder when it's an interest and love for his daughter that he was happy then ever. In addition, his past, seems to be full of sadness. Even if you do not believe in God, you want something to save Henry Pool. The characters are convincing and the story is genuine. Sorry if you disagree with me, but for those of you who are on the fence on this one, I do not think it has any regrets about spending $ 8. This is my first review. I hope this helps ed!
Non-comedy. Yes-religious propaganda. Absolute waste of time. I do not know why it was marked as a comedy. There was nothing like that. Just a lot of justification for religious fanatics to see JC burnt toast and other things to chance. Although it is well that act. Sorry, I stole this one from one of the reviewers, but it says exactly what I felt: "The set drops in nauseating, saccharin, formulas cinema. Towards the end I was starting to laugh out loud in the theater increasingly predictable happy ending, it seems almost like a kind of parody or the wind until it was so corny. " I wish I had considered the comments of other people before wasting 2 hours of my time.
Do not be fooled. Firstly, I think we should throw out there that go into this DVD movie Henry Poole Is Here expecting some kind of Biblical humorous satire. My expectations were mostly right, but the humorousness and satire. There was only one scene that I found really funny and scared all the other 7 people in the theater and I was laughing at the seriousness of the love everyone was with Jesus. The low going like this, mystically Henry Poole has some kind of rare disease that is never mentioned and he will die. Moves in the neighborhood who used to live and blah blah. Its crazy God loving Spanish neighbor saw Jesus in his newly stuccoed wall. Someone cries. "What's wrong?" Spanish brings people over chicken. Someone touches the wall, surprise! a miracle. The people mourn. Another miracle. More people come. Going for a ride, shows an image of a wall. Dinner. "She even looks at me." Henry broke his own house. "The blood was real." And so, oh dear Satan, the final. And I do not want to talk about it. It was like a DVD film Henry Poole Is Here of life and the Hallmark Channel had a baby, baby, and that it was Jesus. When I looked at Henry Poole Is Here one felt like there was something else, oh yes, indigestion. Unless you have a Bible or banged a secret love for Jesus, save your money and your time.
History: Damn, this was predictable. Smart viewers learn about the plot at 5 minutes after the not-too subtle suggestions: Henry's diet of vodka and Krispy Kreme, "I do not plan to stay long," his ever-present hangdog expression, beard, etc.. I'm surprised Luke Wilson signed up for this nonsense, but as it does not seem to require much acting, I think the pay is good. I was almost shocked by the final - not history, but because they really chose to go with such a cheesy end. The breakdown: Only fear the future, blonde, blue-eyed, God-fearing whites are. Oh, and the wise lady andalusia Mexican side. The issue: Yes, science is wrong (Dr. Henry royally screws up the diagnosis, the nurse can not even stick a needle in, etc) and faith is good (the magic cure water stains persons). It's good to give people hope in something that could happen / help / make a difference, but it seems almost cruel to make films promising miracles when in fact never occur in real life, right? Music: inoffensive, soft U2-ish alternapop. The address: We went a little slow, but it was well stylistically. Other: No sex, nudity, swearing or - would be a mistake. Just a nice guy, surrounded by nice ladies, one with a nice guy. Awww. The summary: It is not particularly good or bad, but in essence a waste of time.
I'm surprised by the very positive assessment of this movie. Maybe it's a cultural thing, I am a European who lives in California. We went to see this Henry Poole Is Here Comedy film in the back of some comments of the press. It starts well, but I was deceived by his initiation. I thought this was going to be more skeptical of a DivX film Henry Poole Is Here about how stupid religious people believe in themselves what they want to believe (a bit like the sentiments behind "Life of Brian"). But no, the beginning is deceptive, as the Henry Poole Is Here film progresses, we really want to start making you believe that a stain on the wall of a (supposedly) with terminal illnesses Mans house is the face of God, shed blood and has powers magical. Sorry, could not suspend my disbelief and then the whole Henry Poole Is Here movie fell apart for me. The main character is supposed to be terminally ill, but his disease is without a name, I guess it'sa good thing because it is hard to imagine what might be your only symptoms seem to be as stubble and a craving for pizza and vodka. Of course, there is a beautiful woman who happens to live next door happens to be a pretty troubled daughter of 6 years, which, of course, the main character falls for. All this goes down in sickening, saccharine formulas cinema. Towards the end I was starting to laugh out loud at the movies in the foreseeable happy after each final, it seems almost like a kind of parody or the wind until it was so corny. But I suppose if other people liked this, then maybe it's a cultural thing. U.S. is a much more religious country than mine. I guess that explains how George Bush got in - right?

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