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The one guy you trust to get your back when a whole city's trying to put a bullet in it., Are You Japanese?
Formats: divx, hpc, hidivx
Genres: Crime, Thriller, Drama
Year: 2000
IMDB Rating: 7.10
IMDB Votes: 6787
Actors: Kitano, Takeshi as Aniki Yamamoto, Shigeta, James as Sugimoto, Epps, Omar as Denny, Maki, Kuroudo as Ken, Terajima, Susumu as Kato, Kato, Masaya as Shirase, Boyar, Lombardo as Mo, Ali, Tatyana as Latifa, Osugi, Ren as Harada, Watkins, Royale as Jay, Musaka, Naomasa as Hisamatsu, Otake, Makoto as Chief of Police, Ishibashi, Ryo as Ishihara, Katase, Rino as Night Club Madame, Okumura, Kouen as Hanaoka
A Japanese Yakuza gangster is exiled to the United States. Takeshi settles in Los Angeles where his younger, half brother lives and finds that although the turf is new, the rules are still the same as they try to take over the local drug trade.
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Yakuza expelled from Japan comes to the land of freedom. Never saying "A picture says a thousand words" through more. Follow the path of the bloody Yamamoto from Japan to Los Angeles and was mesmerized with one of the slow and storytelling shows in this great piece of cinema. Parallels can be drawn to many movies. Samurai films primarily with issues of pride, revenge and retribution. But also the story of a gangsters rise to fame (Scarface, for example). The story could be translated so many times, but especially the samurai theme is strong in the shootings that are not flashy, as you might expect from an Asian film. Lighten tense, fast and bloody. These murderers are not soldiers or policemen from a Hollywood movie.

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