August Rush

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Download Movie August RushAugust Rush
An incredible journey moving at the speed of sound
Formats: 720p, divx, ipod
Genres: Music, Drama
Year: 2007
IMDB Rating: 7.30
IMDB Votes: 1973
Actors: Nash, Jamia Simone as Hope, Russell, Keri as Lyla Novacek, Highmore, Freddie as August Rush, Williamson, Mykelti as Reverend James, Rhys Meyers, Jonathan as Louis Connelly, Sadler, William as Thomas Novacek, O'Loughlin, Alex as Marshall, McKee, Bonnie as Lizzy, Drayer, Michael as Mannix, Howard, Terrence as Richard Jeffries, Seldes, Marian as The Dean, Thomas III, Leon G. as Arthur, Guttman, Ronald as Professor, Williams, Robin as Maxwell 'Wizard' Wallace, Staton, Aaron as Nick
The story of a charismatic young Irish guitarist and a sheltered young cellist who have a chance encounter one magical night above New York's Washington Square, but are soon torn apart, leaving in their wake an infant, August Rush, orphaned by circumstance. Now performing on the streets of New York and cared for by a mysterious stranger, August uses his remarkable musical talent to seek the parents from whom he was separated at birth.
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This is the worst August Rush Music I've seen since the "Love Guru"! Ridiculously laughable story, hammy, bad acting, sub par music, zero romantic chemistry between the two drivers, sticky sweet, plausible plot are just some of the ways I can describe this incredibly bad movie. Robin Williams certainly did nothing for his career with this failure, and that really needs a hit DivX Movie August Rush badly. This August Rush film is terrible in every conceivable level and I wonder how people could think to get a ruling like this. The fact that some people liked this August Rush film only confirms how stupid the average American is becoming! No wonder what happened to the video so quickly!
This August Rush Music movie "August Rush" really touched my soul. I was an orphan and identified with this child's yearning and searching for their parents. Near the end of the film, I began to mourn as a baby. "August Rush" touched something tender buried deep within my soul seventy-six years ago. My father was killed in a car accident three days before they were held on the third birthday. My father was Irish, and also looked a lot like August Rush's father. It was during the Great Depression and my mother gave me up to the county agency's foster care. I am now seventy-nine years old. How cherished throughout the years by my parents, especially my father Irish. My mother was French. I met many years later in New York City when I was in my early twenties. It was cold and rejecting me. I could not understand why. I was abandoned by a second time by my parents. The August Rush Music "August Rush" was the healing of my wounded soul from early childhood and again in my early twenties. I knew he came from as he longed for his parents. Instead of music, I used my talent of writing to address the loss of my parents. "August Rush" made me fantasize about during the August Rush film that my desire and the pursuit of my parents were like this remarkable child.
This was one of the best movies I've seen in a long time, maybe never ... The music, dialogue, story, all speaks to the heart and leave you shining with happiness and admiration. The actors are all beautiful and the performances were poetic. This is art! Seeing this DivX film August Rush led me to find the writer, the application of Freddie Highmore as a myspace friend and register for an account IMDb just to post this comment! It is full of grandeur and the modern history of supporting the entire movie, without having to cheat, sex, or violence to entertain the audience. I wish there were more films like this! I can not believe how much I loved this movie. I speak of simple elegance that Hollywood used to be. I have seen twice to go back and just listening to the August Rush Music movie is as good as seeing. I knew I loved the August Rush Music film after 10 minutes and watch me chew my nails until the end. This DVD movie August Rush is absolutely wonderful and I will keep it as an inspiring example of poetic genius. Well done !!!!!! Refreshing.
I saw a preview tonight, not knowing anything about this movie. If you still have an inner child, and an imagination that has not been beaten out of the "practical and mature" world, then you'll love this movie. I want my daughter had taken. The only people I've seen complain about this DVD film August Rush are people who probably consider the music "hard work and sacrifice." If you do not play the cello, is not going to notice how bad it is counterfeit. In certain scenes, I was sitting way back in my recliner with my eyes closed, absorbing the sounds that inspired this young man. Not since "strictly ballroom" I was so moved by a movie.

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